Cool Blues Riff Using Doublestops

A Cool Blues Riff Using Doublestops

This a really easy, but really cool blues riff using doublestops. Like most blues guitar riffs it is based on the pentatonic minor scale, however, we are going to include a ‘passing note’ – a raised sixth – to give it an extra bit of flavor.

A doublestop is when two notes from the scale are played together, and was a very popular trick among early rock n’roll players such as Chuck Berry. This technique will also require bending the notes, which can be a bit of a challenge when holding down two strings.

Cool Blues Riff Using Doublestops:


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Leave a Reply 6 comments

rico Reply

dear sir i like this lesson do you have the tab/im a chuck berry a beginner intamidiate/thanks great lesson

rico Reply

thanks for tha lesson do you have tab.thanks great lesson

David Hodge Reply

Interesting, I have been  listing to many teachers that say you shouldn’t bend down wow I am impressed. Good riff and I will practice.

Skewback Reply

Thanks for the free lesson, interesting on the bending down, I have some old school blues I been trying to learn with double stop bending and I have had big problems trying to bend the the strings up allthough they are on the high B and E strings, so not sure I could bend them down!


    Jonathan Reply

     Yeah you’ll have to play with it. You might find you run out of fretboard using those particular strings…

Douglas Reply

This one I like a lot. Have a much better understanding of double stops than I did before.

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