We’ve had a few questions lately around the topic of what to do when you’ve got more than one guitar in a jam… just play the same thing? It seems people intuitively know there should be more, but they’re uncertain how to get there…
Well, our unequivocal answer to that is NO! don’t play the same thing – except in specific instances like everyone hitting a specific riff at a certain place in the song for instance. There are many different things you can do to split up those two guitar parts and make them complement each other, which adds depth and variety and color to the music that would not be there with just one guitar.
In this particular lesson, Colin and Jonathan will take the question head on, and take a look at a few things you can do that specifically involve using a capo. Of course, there are many things you can play that provide separation and do not require a capo, but there’s only so much you can cover in a short lesson! We’ll touch on some other strategies in future lessons.
Riff Ninja Academy members can access a much more in depth version of this lesson, inside the Riff Ninja Academy.
For now, grab your capo if you have one, and your guitar, and checkout the lesson!
Don’t miss the short blooper at the end of the clip!